Dua to get pregnant fast in islam, Jaldi Pregnant Hone Ka Amal,”Every woman dreams of becoming a mother after marriage. It is often seen that even after many years of marriage, their dream is not realized. There are many reasons behind this, but if some things are taken care of, the chances of conceiving can increase by several times. Let us tell you some ways that you can try and conceive soon. Dua to get pregnant fast in Islam.
Amal to get pregnant fast in Islam
Periods in women immediately after the periods last for about 6 to 7 days. On the sixth day, the blood stops, its chances of miscarriage are more due to intercourse on the next day. This opportunity is available for the next 11 days. This is the time when the process of ovulation begins. From the sixth day of periods, sperm wait for conception in the fallopian tubes. The fertility of the woman is very high during the time of ovulation, which is 12 to 14 days before the onset of the period, and 5 days after the period.
Recent research has shown that a woman who experiences orgasm during sexual intercourse increases her chances of conceiving. There are many men who take care only of their pleasure during sexual intercourse and do not think about their partner’s satisfaction. Therefore, men need to think in this direction as well. In case of feeling of orgasm of women, the sperms get proper environment and they also live longer. Dua to get pregnant fast in Islam.
Suitable age limit:
The right age is also necessary for early pregnancy. The age of 22 to 30 years is considered the best for this. In today’s time, people marry late in the circle of career, due to this they also face difficulties in becoming parents. So it is very important to get married at the right age.
Pomegranate of Aulad: Aulad can be detected by this device.
1. Hamal will fall.
2. Aulad girl will be born.
3. Aulad will be a boy but his age will be useful.
4. It is time to have children.
5. The boy will be born intelligent.
6. Children will not be born.
7. Child will give happiness
8. The child will be unworthy.
9. Get treatment for a female patient.